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Explore The Largest Tropical Rainforest In Java, Halimun Salak National Park

Halimun Salak National Park, situated about 2 hours South West of Jakarta. It is the largest remaining highland tropical rainforest in Java, with total area of 87,669 hectares of protection forest. Yes it’s bigger than Singapore or Jakarta. Indeed, this National Park is the most accessible rainforest in Indonesia, especially from Jakarta, but that doesn’t mean that it’s less spectacular compare to other rainforest in Indonesia. Once you stepped into this national park, it will feel like a completely different world.

This largest tropical rainforest in Java is home to all sorts of wildlife like the endangered West Javan Gibbon – a sub species of the Silvery Gibbon, Javan Lutung, Javan Leopard, Javan eagle hawk and other 244 birds species  that rarely seen elsewhere in Java.

Halimun Salak National Park gets an average annual rainfall varies between 4,000 – 6,000 mm/year, very high even for West Java. The wet season occurs from October to April, with precipitation around 400-600 mm/month. Even in the so-called dry season, June to September, rainfall is usually in excess of 200 mm/month. It also hosts of more than 1,000 plants, trees, mosses, ferns and waterfalls.

One of the best ways to experience it is to get out on the trails, day hike to the crater and waterfalls, also the long looping routes make multi-day hikes possible, and in the inner part of the park it’s so remote it will feel like you’ve explored the hidden paradise of West java

Climb Indonesia organizes adventure trips to Mount Gede, hiking, trail running or simply enjoying the alpine nature of Indonesia volcanic scenes. Lead by our certified mountain guides Climb Indonesia adventure trips guarantee a safe and enjoyable experience. Please contact us through our email : info@climbindonesia.com, or by phone/Whatsapp: +6281219592895.

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