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March 2022
MOUNT BINAIYA FUN FACTS Mount Binaiya is relatively unknown among the outdoor enthusiast, mostly due to its remoteness. Mt Binaiya remoteness status has an upside to it, such as this fascinating remoteness provides an opportunity to experience tranquility, solitude, and pristine nature with jungles, national parks, mountains, and beautiful seas, which remain untouched by commercial...
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Mount Gede, is situated about 3 hours’ drive southeast of Jakarta, this mountain is the most accessible volcano from the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, but that doesn’t mean that it’s less spectacular compared to other volcanoes in Indonesia.  Once you stepped into its trail, it will feel like a completely different world One of the...
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Beyond the school desk and classroom lays a wealth of learning opportunities. Outdoor education can help students build their self-esteem and self-confidence. By being given a challenge, which an outdoor adventure can provide, students will learn to overcome their fears. They will also be given opportunities to develop their independence, which will help to build their...
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